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When it comes to foundation repair in Houston region you aren’t going to find better than Humble Foundation Repair. We truly understand both the local soil composition and geology and all the different foundation types (block and base, slap, pier and beam, etc.) that have been used in this part of Texas over the decades. Which makes us the perfect professionals for foundation repair in your area. That includes settlement repair, cracking, poor drainage, dipping floors, unlevel homes, cracked slabs and major jobs like house leveling and house raising with jack and shimmy or mudjacking techniques. We can install new pilings, or conduct preventative maintenance on your property’s foundations whether it happens to be residential or commercial. We can also future proof your foundations because we don’t just treat the problems, we also get to the root of them and take away the stresses and elements that are attacking the very foundations of your property. That means new drainage systems, whether shallow or deep, it can mean landscaping, installing or repairing retaining walls, and installing ventilation into crawl spaces to combat mold and wood rot. Whatever your foundations need we can provide it but the first step is always to get Humble Foundation Repair to your property to conduct a thorough assessment. So here’s the good news. Our inspection and estimate is FREE. So what are you waiting for? Pick up the phone and call Humble Foundation Repair to book your inspection right now. Or email us with the contact form on this site. We’re waiting for you.